Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Baby Gear Blowout! {From Cali}

I've included links for descriptions of the items.

Fisher Price Ocean Wonders aquarium swing - Works fine, but not sure how much life it has left in it. http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Ocean-Wonders-Aquarium-Cradle/dp/B0006FHFYS/ref=sr_1_1?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1317223392&sr=1-1
Euro Bath - for newborns to toddlers. Loved it! http://www.amazon.com/Primo-340W-EuroBath-Pearl-White/dp/B000056OV0
Free! Just pick up! Leave a comment or send an email and I'll contact you.

More to come!
Cali Templeman


  1. The mobile is the only item still available.

  2. Hi S. Cali, is the mobile still available?...too bad I didn't see all these stuff earlier.
    Mjay Staples

  3. It all been claimed, but I have more stuff :). I'll email you directly and you can have first dibs.
